Local Number Portability

Local Number Portability

Local Number Portability (LNP) from CallnFax offers customers numerous advantages.

First, it empowers users to retain their existing phone numbers when relocating to a new city or country. With the rise in Digital Nomadism and Remote Work, losing your current Home and Mobile number is a reality. These services are more critical than at first thought since getting new numbers are usually easy.

However, our phone numbers are often tied to important services such as our Bank accounts and other critical connections. Banks often utilize our Mobile number for authentication purposes, and keeping your number when relocating keeps that critical connection.

LNP fosters healthy competition among providers, allowing consumers to choose based on quality, pricing, and features rather than being bound by number retention concerns. Local number portability from CallnFax allows you to keep your critical connections with the same security that you have come to expect.

This flexibility also keeps your connections with family and friends. For example, you relocate from the United Kingdom to Thailand, and your family and friends can still reach you at your usual phone number. Making this even more attractive, Nobody Pays Long Distance. That’s right! By leveraging the power of the internet. your call is transported from The UK to Thailand (or Spain, Panama, etc.) without the burden of international calling rates.

Calls received to your CallnFax Virtual Phone Number have No Per-Minute Charges, regardless of the number of calls you receive. Our Flat-Rate, Flat-Fee Inbound service means that you pay one amount per month, no matter how many calls you receive. Period!


Porting your DID to CallnFax will save you money, improve your service, and enjoy the Great Customer Service at CallnFax!

CallnFax Can Port
Virtual Numbers from
the Following Locations:

What’s The Process for Local Number Porting?

Porting a Telephone number from your current carrier to CallnFax is an easy and straightforward process.

CallnFax requires completion of our LNP form, a copy of your most recent phone bill, and a copy of your ID.

Under most circumstances, the process is free of charge, and is completed in a short period of time. 

  • Will I lose any phone calls? The answer is usually No. The “Handover” is managed by Our Team, so there is a seamless transition from your current carrier to the CallnFax system
  • Do I get important features like Voicemail? Absolutely! CallnFax is a full service phone carrier, so Voicemail is included at no additional charges. 
  • How do I receive my calls? You can receive your calls to your Mobile device, PC, or Tablet, or even a combination of these devices, as long as you are connected to the internet. Just try to accomplish that with traditional phone carriers!

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