Wholesale Voice Maximizes Profits

From CallnFax

CallnFax delivers Wholesale Voice solutions for Call Centers and International Business

Let’s Look At How The Difference Affects Your Bottom Line:

Wholesale Voice Versus Retail VoIP:

A Comprehensive Analysis

About The Author

Yakov is our company CTO, and has been with CallnFax since the beginning in 2009!

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals communicate. Our industry delivers solutions aimed at two markets; large enterprises such as Call Centers, and small businesses and individuals. Within the VoIP market, there are two primary service models: wholesale and retail. Each caters to different needs and audiences, offering distinct features, pricing structures, and benefits. At CallnFax, we have mated these two models, unifying them to better serve each consumer.

In this article, we will explore and contrast the differences between wholesale and retail VoIP, using CallnFax as a case study for wholesale Voice services.

Wholesale VoIP: The Backbone of VoIP Infrastructure

1. Definition and Target Audience

Wholesale Voice services refers to the bulk selling of VoIP services to other service providers, businesses, and large organizations that consume significant call volumes. Classically, the target audience for wholesale VoIP includes telecom carriers, service providers, call centers, and large enterprises. This model offers a cost-savings and at CallnFax, we offer the same cost-enhancements to the smaller consumer.

2. Features and Services

  • Scalability: Wholesale VoIP services are designed to handle a large volume of calls, making them highly scalable. For example, CallnFax offers scalable SIP trunks that can accommodate up to 1000 channels simultaneously. Smaller users can effectively leverage scalability to eliminate missed calls and busy signals
  • Global Reach: Wholesale providers like CallnFax offer extensive coverage with access to a wide range of local, national, mobile, and toll-free numbers from a global inventory. Global reach is equally applicable to users such as the Digital Nomads, allowing them to keep maintain connectivity, keep their current phone numbers (LNP), and expand their business
  • Customization: These services are often customizable to meet the specific needs of large clients, such as tailored routing and billing solutions. CallnFax believes, strongly that effective customer service should be available to all clients! 
  • Quality and Reliability: Ensuring high call quality and reliability is crucial. CallnFax emphasizes crystal-clear voice quality and 100% uptime to meet business demands. CallnFax stands by its reliability, delivering quality to ALL customers. There is no such thing as a small customer.

3. Pricing

  • Wholesale VoIP pricing is typically based on volume, with rates decreasing as call volumes increase. CallnFax, for instance, offers flat-rate inbound calls and premium outbound termination with competitive pricing structures. 
  • CallnFax offers the same wholesale pricing structure to all customers. This can easily be demonstrated by searching our competitors rates. Our Outbound Termination rates are exceptionally priced, and our Flat-Rate Inbound Origination pricing model is unmatched in the industry

4. Use Cases

  • Telecom Carriers: Utilize wholesale VoIP to expand their network and service offerings.
  • VoIP Service Providers: Resell VoIP services to end-users, benefiting from the wholesale pricing.
  • Call Centers: Handle large volumes of inbound and outbound calls efficiently.
  • Large Enterprises: Manage internal and external communications on a global scale.
  • International Business: CallnFax exceeds in serving the needs of International enterprises, of all sizes
  • Digital Nomads: CallnFax is the first Telecom provider that specializes in the needs of the Digital Nomad
International Finance and CallnFax Communications

Retail VoIP: Tailored for Individual and Small Business Needs

1. Definition and Target Audience

Retail VoIP caters to individual consumers and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The target audience includes residential users, small offices, home offices (SOHOs), and small businesses that require reliable communication solutions without the need for high call volumes. At CallnFax, we focus on the special needs of the Digital Nomad. The typical setting is an individual, living away from home, and with the following needs:

  • Keep their current home and mobile number, after moving to another country. CallnFax offers LNP, or Local Number Portability. And, in most cases, this feature is free
  • Get a local phone number in their new city and country. Oftentimes, this require documentation that the Digital Nomad doesn’t have. No problem for CallnFax. We have the Digital Nomad covered!
  • Reliable and Cost-Effective Video Conferencing.For about 20% less than the competition, CallnFax offers secure and reliable Video Conferencing, with all the features

2. Features and Services

  • User-Friendly Solutions: Retail VoIP services are designed to be easy to set up and use, with features like plug-and-play devices, user-friendly interfaces, and mobile apps.
  • Feature-Rich Packages: These services come with a variety of features such as voicemail, call forwarding, caller ID, conference calling, and more, often bundled into convenient packages.
  • Support and Customer Service: Retail VoIP providers focus on offering strong customer support to assist with setup, troubleshooting, and account management.

3. Pricing

  • Retail VoIP pricing is generally more straightforward, often based on monthly plans with a fixed number of minutes or unlimited calling options. These plans are designed to be affordable for individuals and small businesses.

4. Use Cases

  • Residential Users: Benefit from cost-effective home phone services with advanced features.
  • Small Businesses: Utilize VoIP to manage business communications efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Remote Workers: Take advantage of mobility features to stay connected while working from different locations.
Call Center Solutions from CallnFax

Contrasting Wholesale and Retail VoIP

1. Scale and Capacity

  • Wholesale VoIP: Built for high-volume usage, capable of handling thousands of simultaneous calls.
  • Retail VoIP: Designed for lower call volumes, suitable for individual or small business use.

2. Customization and Flexibility

  • Wholesale VoIP: Offers extensive customization options to meet the specific needs of large clients.
  • Retail VoIP: Provides pre-packaged solutions with standard features suitable for most users.

3. Pricing Models

  • Wholesale VoIP: Volume-based pricing with discounts for higher usage.
  • Retail VoIP: Fixed monthly plans with predictable costs for users.

4. Support and Management

  • Wholesale VoIP: Often includes dedicated account managers and technical support for complex setups.
  • Retail VoIP: Focuses on user-friendly support for straightforward installation and usage.
CallnFax Call Center Services

CallnFax: A Case Study in Wholesale VoIP

CallnFax exemplifies the qualities of a top-tier wholesale VoIP provider. Founded in 2009, CallnFax has established itself as a leader in delivering scalable, reliable, and cost-effective VoIP solutions for businesses. 

Here are some key aspects of their service offerings:

1. Scalable SIP Trunks

CallnFax offers SIP trunks that can scale from 2 to 1000 channels, ensuring no busy signals and seamless scalability for growing businesses.

2. Global Number Inventory

With access to a vast inventory of local, national, mobile, and toll-free numbers, CallnFax provides unmatched global coverage.

3. Quality and Reliability

Emphasizing high call quality and 100% uptime, CallnFax ensures businesses can rely on their communication infrastructure without interruptions.

4. Competitive Pricing

Offering flat-rate inbound calls and competitive outbound termination rates, CallnFax helps businesses manage communication costs effectively.

5. Customer Focus

With superior customer service and dedicated support, CallnFax ensures clients receive the assistance they need to optimize their VoIP solutions.


Understanding the differences between wholesale and retail VoIP is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to choose the right communication solution. Wholesale VoIP, as provided by companies like CallnFax, caters to large-scale operations with high call volumes and customization needs. In contrast, retail VoIP is designed for individuals and small businesses seeking user-friendly, feature-rich, and affordable communication solutions. By recognizing these differences, users can make informed decisions to enhance their communication capabilities, whether for personal use or business operations.

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